Village Hydropower Projects – Sri Lanka
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Village Hydropower Projects – Sri Lanka

Dr.Nishantha Nanayakkara being an academic at the Moratuwa University of Sri Lanka attached to the Electrical Department found the necessity of inputs to society soon after he came back to Sri Lanka in 1995 after finishing all his post-graduate studies. 1996/97 had been the worst era of the electricity sector in Sri Lanka with 10-15…

Niriella Mini Hydropower Project – 3 MW
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Niriella Mini Hydropower Project – 3 MW

Niriella Mini Hydropower Project – 3 MW Trailed by the success of the Kabaragala Mini Hydro Project, HPI was awarded to construct another Turnkey Project in Niriella by the Naturub Group of Companies. This project was commissioned in September 2002 with a total generating capacity of 3 MW. Power base Technology (Pvt) Ltd. is the…

Batathota Project – 1.5 MW
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Batathota Project – 1.5 MW

Batathota Mini Hydro-power Project – 1.5 MW Batathota was completed by HPI in February 2007. The specialty of this project is HPI handled only the Electro Mechanical installations in Sri Lanka. The greatest challenge was to collaborate with different entities as there were many external parties involved with the project. Finally, we were able to…

Upper Korawak Oya Project – 1.5 MW
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Upper Korawak Oya Project – 1.5 MW

Upper Korawak Oya Mini Hydro-power Project – 1.5 MW Upper Korawak Oya hydro power project was developed by HPI for Santak Power (Pvt) Ltd. in Nawalapitiya. Project was successfully commissioned in January 2006 with the installed capacity of 1.5 MW. Upper Korawaka Oya is one of the five parallel projects handled between 2004-2005 by HPI….