With the collaboration of “Terra People Association – Japan”, Hydro Power International has started awarding scholarships to 05 Students in Sanghamitta Girls’ College, Galle; each year since 1997. This was the period in which we started Operations of our Company. Those 05 students were selected from Grade 11 and we financially assisted them until they face for Advanced Level Examination.
By moving a step forward, we also offered selected 05 students a chance to participate in an Exchange Programme in Fukuoka – Japan, Since 2012 and this was consecutively conducted once in Two Years thereafter. In 2014, we increased the Students participating in the Exchange Programme in Japan up to 06 Students and awarding scholarships to 10 selected Students until they face for Advanced Level Examination. We are fortunate that we could gift Medical Officers, Teachers and Undergraduates in Engineering Faculties through this programme.
TPA Representatives Visit Sri Lanka in 2016
Representatives of “Terra People’s Association of Japan”, Ms Ruri Okubo, Mr Yamaji Kenzo and 02 respectable donors including Mr KasuoShingae visited Sri Lanka in March’2016 to meet the scholarship holders of the Shishyodaya Foundation…