Venue: Godagama
Date: 25-Sep-2015

The feasibility study of Guinea Project was completed successfully and handed over by ENCO (Pvt) Ltd. This is also a project funded by UNIDO. The proposed dam of the Hydro Power plant across Makona River is situated close to the village called “Keno” in the city called Gueckedou. The Makona River finally falls into the…
Minister of Community Development of Burundi – Jean Baptiste Gahimbare and Director General of Water Supply & Energy for Rural Areas in Burundi – Ndayitwayeko Fulgence inspected several Mini Hydropower Projects in Deraniyagala and Nawalapitiyain July 2005, to assess the developments in the hydropower sector in Sri Lanka before they sign the Agreement with UNIDO….
Gatubwe Mini Hydropower Project Client UNIDO Location Agatobe, Republic of Rwanda Capacity [kW] 200 Beneficiaries 350 Households Transmission Voltage 11 kV Distribution N/W 10km at 230V Channel Length 500 m Penstock Length 30 m Design Flow 1500 Litre/sec Gross Head 18 m Commissioned in July 2012