Feasibility Study in Guinea
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Feasibility Study in Guinea

The feasibility study of Guinea Project was completed successfully and handed over by ENCO (Pvt) Ltd. This is also a project funded by UNIDO. The proposed dam of the Hydro Power plant across Makona River is situated close to the village called “Keno” in the city called Gueckedou. The Makona River finally falls into the…

Scoping & Feasibility Studies in the Republic of Liberia
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Scoping & Feasibility Studies in the Republic of Liberia

Client Ministry of Lands, Mines, and Energy, Republic of Liberia   Sites 1. Jor River at Gbatala, Bong County 2. Du River at Kakata, Margibi County 3. Cestors River between Grand bassa and Sinoe Counties 4. St. John River at Gbedin, Nimba County 5. Dugbe River in River Gee County 6. Wozi Creek in Zorzor,…

Village Hydropower Projects – Sri Lanka
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Village Hydropower Projects – Sri Lanka

Dr.Nishantha Nanayakkara being an academic at the Moratuwa University of Sri Lanka attached to the Electrical Department found the necessity of inputs to society soon after he came back to Sri Lanka in 1995 after finishing all his post-graduate studies. 1996/97 had been the worst era of the electricity sector in Sri Lanka with 10-15…